Healing Face Ritual

This brightening and moisturizing treatment calms and rejuvenates through the use of honey, rosehip, wheat jam, cactus oil, jasmine and silk. Combined, they work to soothe and brighten dull or irritated skin. This facial also invites relaxation by stimulating the flow of prana-describe as the universal life energy that enters the body via the breath. Skin is left looking truly radiant, thru the application of the Light Technuque, focusing on the forehead, septum and throat.

時間: 90分鐘

Healing Massage Ritual

The blissful, nurturing treatment ideal for physically or emotionally exhausted souls. The use of marma point therapy brings the body back to state of heightened awareness and balance. While rhythmic massage techniques ease muscular tension, imbuing a sense of complete restoration. The use of sound healing stimulates the Kundalini – dormant energy stored at the base of the spine.



- Relieves exhaustion, stress and chronic fatigue

- Reduces anxiety and deeply relaxes, improve 

- Increasing energy level

- Balances energy, body and emotions

時間: 90分鐘

Grounding Face Ritual 接地面部儀式

面部療程融合了多種療愈元素。 粉晶以促進癒合, 乳香有助於恢復活力,透明質酸則可促進水合作用,淋巴和肌肉按摩技巧可刺激循環並提高振動能量,而使用加熱的喜馬拉雅鹽膏的穴位按摩能使皮膚容光煥發。療程以藏式頭部按摩結束。



- 提亮、緊緻和強效保濕

- 促進細胞更新,改善膚色不均

- 讓情緒回歸安靜與平衡

時間: 90分鐘

Grounding Massage Ritual 接地按摩儀式

Ku Nye 藏式全身按摩傳承自古老的西藏治療傳統,以刺激肌肉和更微妙的按摩為經絡系統注入活力。這種治療結合了經絡線按摩、指壓揉捏和深層組織按摩, 並連貫地以藏式頭部按摩作結束,引領進入更深層次的放鬆與寧靜。

時間: 90分鐘

Purifying Face Ritual 面部净化儀式




- 面部水分充盈, 提亮並緊緻肌膚

- 排出淋巴液並釋放緊張感

- 排解毒素以減少污染的影響

時間: 90分鐘

Purifying Massage Ritual 淨化按摩儀式


時間: 90分鐘