Redefining Body EMSCULPT

This redefining body treatment gives a very rapid response compared to other fat-reduction tools. EMSCULPT is the only procedure which helps patients build muscle and sculpt the body. Based on high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy, a single session causes 20,000 of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles. The redefining body procedure feels like an intensive workout. You can lie down and relax during the treatment.


- Causes 20,000 muscle contractions in 30 minutes

Burns fat and builds muscle with each treatment

Feel tangible results right after the treatment

Non-invasive, requires no recovery time

時間: Duration : 30 mins

Pain Free Therapy (Super Inductive System)

The Super Inductive System (SIS) is an innovative therapy using an intense electromagnetic field, which has positive therapeutic effects on human tissue. It can be focused on a specific body part and it is not necessary to undress for its application. You can sit or lie depending on the location of the troublesome body part. The applicator is then placed near the treated area without touching the skin. SIS therapy brings immediate pain relief for all stages of disorders, whether chronic or acute. Further therapeutic effects include fracture healing, muscle relaxation, muscle stimulation, and joint mobilisation. 

Advisable for:

-  Arthrosis of the joints

-  Sprained joints

-  Backaches

-  Bone spurs

-  Injuries to connective tissues

-  Long term pain

Ultra Body Contouring 身體塑形療程



- 保持年輕外觀,修復皮膚

- 促進新膠原蛋白的產生,使皮膚更加光滑緊緻

- 分解脂肪細胞,改善脂肪團或鬆弛部位

時間: 20 - 30 分鐘 / 每部位

Femme 私密緊致療程

猶如面部肌膚,女性陰道中的肌肉組織同樣需要膠原蛋白來支撐。由於懷孕、生產或荷爾蒙變化,陰道鬆弛一直是普遍的身體現象,但卻往往令人尷尬亦求助無門。現在您可以體驗絕對無痛、有效、無創的治療徹底擺脫這些困擾。Femme Tightening 使用射頻加熱陰道組織,增加流向該部位的血液,並刺激人體的自然新陳代謝,從而增強並恢復體內陰道管組織的強度和彈性。只需短短的30分鐘Femme Tightening可以達到如同外陰整形手術后令人驚喜的效果,同時還帶來陰道緊致、陰道嫩膚、加强膀胱肌肉,以及緩解尿滲症狀等的額外好處。無需麻醉及無需復原期, 一次治療即可改善多種症狀,回復肌膚的緊實度,緊致度,彈性和潤滑度。

時間: 30 分鐘

HIFEM 骨盆腔護理療程

應力性或急迫性尿滲是成年男女普遍面對的困擾。無論是對於因懷孕、分娩或荷爾蒙變化引致骨盆底肌肉鬆弛的女性,還是患有前列腺疾病或體重過重的男性,HIFEM骨盆腔護理療程一項非入侵性並獲FDA 認可的療程,絕對是目前治療男女尿滲問題的最完美方案。 當您無需更衣而舒適地坐在椅子上的時候,您將同時體驗著我們正在為您進行的前所未有的高效治療。使用高強度聚焦電磁技術 HIFEM,這項為時30分鐘的骨盆腔護理治療可以針對盆底的目標組織,通過傳遞11200次的超極限收縮 Supramaximal contraction 刺激和喚醒盆底肌肉,恢復支撐骨盆器官的肌肉力量。

時間: 30 分鐘

Slim & Reshape

The non-invasive treatment that offers cosmetic improvement without surgery and is ideal for clients who desire cosmetic improvement in areas prone to showing signs of ageing. 



• Drains puffiness and excess water

• Fat reduction

• Enhances luminosity of the skin

• Improves collagen production



• Drains puffiness

• Reduces dark circles

• Reduces the appearance of tired eyes and eye bags

• Improves the appearance on fine lines and wrinkles

VelaGym Advance

VelaGym is a non-invasive body shaping treatment used to reduce cellulite, as well as slim the area around the stomach, hips and thighs. The machine combines four different technologies – infrared, bi-polar radio frequency, pulsed vacuum, and massage rollers – to improve skin texture becoming smoother and tighter. This treatment is an excellent complement for liposuction patients. 


•  Zero downtime and little or no discomfort

•  Short treatment sessions and outstanding results